(513) 533-1823 nglacken@pinnacleinc.biz

Laboratory Analysis

Pinnacle Environmental Consultants, Inc. provides PLM (polarized light microscopy), PCM (phase contrast microscopy), and Point count analysis. We offer various turnaround times to meet your needs for analysis.

  • Polarized light microscopy (PLM) is the analysis of bulk samples utilizing the stereoscope and PLM microscope to determine the presence or absence of asbestos by visual estimation. The presence of the six different types of asbestos can be determined using this method. The six types are chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite, and anthophyllite. Each type has its own determining characteristics.
  • Phase contrast microscopy (PCM) is the analysis of filter samples from air cassettes. A section of the filter is cut from the air cassette and placed on a slide for analysis under the PCM microscope. Fibers are counted on the fields and the concentration of fibers is determined from the count totals. This method counts all fibers present that meet the criteria for counting, regardless of fiber type.
  • Point count analysis determines, with more accuracy, the percentage of asbestos in a bulk sample. To qualify for point counting, a sample must be able to be ground to a dust (i.e. plaster, joint compound, or non-silicone window caulking). The sample is pulverized and mounted on a series of slides. The percentage range is determined from the analysis of these slides.